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Suhashini L

Day 105 - Leaving on a Jet Plane: Flying Off to Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Day 105 (16 Apr 2023) - Melbourne, Australia to Narita, Japan


Day 105 (16 APR 2023) – After a mini birthday celebration and farewell dinner, I boarded a 12 am flight from Melbourne Australia, to Japan.

Australia has been quite an experience with lots of ups and downs. I have spent 49 days in Australia - 26 days in Darwin alone just waiting for the delivery and release of my motorbike!

With limited time and restrictions on previously planned routes (Darwin to Brisbane via Perth and so on) – my initial plans had to be rescheduled. So, I decided to ride in the Australian Outback instead!

Despite the delays and setbacks, I have successfully completed 3906 kms riding from Darwin to Melbourne via Stuart Highway, all in 6 days! – that is from the North of Australia up to the South through the Red Centre! Thankfully, it was an enjoyable smooth ride – a straight empty highway all the way, passing through beautiful landscapes.

Australia is a huge country with a lot of beautiful places to see and enjoy - It requires a lot more time to fully cover the various scenic terrains - be it the coastal, the hillside or the outback! Hopefully, one day I get to come back and ride again!

I have completed 9626 km, covering 5 countries since I began my motorbike tour journey in January 2023! Now, off to my next adventure – Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun!



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